Monday, October 16, 2006


I'm in Philly for a Nursing Management conference. Right now, to be more specific, I'm at The Last Drop described by here: Funky decor, friendly employees and first-rate cappuccinos make this a required stop. It's not like I did a wide internet review and put this on my "must see" list... I was set up nicely by Carly who lugged her laptop around all day to hand off to me; and who rigorously researched the location of this free wi-fi spot. The confrence is going well. It is interesting, well-organized and a little invigorating. This seems strange to me, but I am particularly enjoying the fact that I don't know a single other person attending the "Congress". There are supposedly 1200 people signed up for this seminar, and I'm convinced that at every next turn I'll run into someone I know- the world of nursing is rediculously small- but it's kind of cool just to be quiet and pensive and experiencing this professional time without any chit chat, idle banter, running commentary, and/or requirement for social engagement with others. That might sound a little anti-social but, oh well. I've had lovely chats with some of the folks I've run into at the sessions, but I've also spend hours at a time without talking to anyone at all... and that feels remarkably refreshing. A lot life requires me to or encourages me to "communticate" effectively and to the extreme. And maybe, it's just too much yammering for my own good. :)

The best part of Philly by far is getting the chance to spend some time with Tara and her peeps. Last night, I met Carly, Sam, and Monika who (apparently) are faithful Gin-Soaked Olive readers. It gives me (as a wanna-be-writer) a tiny smile to realize that people who've never met us "tune in" to see what we might have to say. (okay, a big grin!)

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