Friday, October 06, 2006

Viva Las Va-cay

Well, we're back from sin city and the trip was fine. Not fine like, "just so-so", but fine as in Sweet, yummy, flashy, and much of what we were hoping for. We stayed here. The room looked exactly like this, except with two beds... We saw the well-intentioned front-desk staff typing furiously when she realized we were 2 women with the same last name. (Hey lady, she's not my sister...) We didn't say anything b/c "king" or "queen" doesn't really matter to us, and hey, it's nice to have an extra bed in case you meet some homeless folk whose company you enjoy.

The first night we ate here and Kt swears she saw Robin Leach. All I saw was an old, fat guy with a bimbo on his arm, but after seeing this, I'm inclined to agree it was him. His date was so skinny I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have even seen her if she hadn't been wearing a dress with broad HORIZONTAL stripes. We also got to see the Bodies exhibit (Amazing, but a little unsettling), the Titanic exhibit (more entertaining than we expected), An Ansel Adams exhibit (more exciting for katy than for me), and Lewis Black (more exciting for me than for katy.)

A highlight for sure was catching up with 'Gret after seeing her show. She happened to be playing Tina the night we were at the wedding and it was brilliant and fun. I don't think i could ever tire of seeing little 'Gret Menzies playing the part of a trashy bride flippin' both frickin birds in her "Wedding" photos. (We'll see if we can get her to pull that off just once next October!)

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