Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wide eyed

I've been up for 2 hrs cruising the Internet- mostly looking at other blogs- it's amazing where you can wind up when you click from friends to blogs they read, to blogs they read, to blogs they read. I'm a whore for words and this is the Internet porn I could never have imagined.

I am awake right now because this is the new thing... I wake up at 2 or 3 am with my bladder about to burst, cross-eyed in discomfort b/c it feels like I haven't pee'd in 2 weeks. I almost always bang into walls or furniture in the darkness b/c I'm dizzy, disoriented and can't function until I get the urine out. Then I stumble back into bed and lay there.
Exhausted, I just lay there.
I wait, and sleep evades me...
I attempt meditation, relaxation techniques, body scans, counting sheep, prayer...
I toss, turn, and sigh.
My brain is tired, my body is tired, my newly stubbed toe is throbbing, but my bladder is empty and still, I can't just fall back to sleep.

Two nights ago, I was awake for 2 hours. Last night it was at least that long. Tonight, I got up and turned on the computer after 20 minutes.

Babies, babies, babies on my mind.

Some of our best friends from college have been busy this week:
L and F labored for 72 hours before Amaya finally showed up (with the tiniest bit of surgical intervention.)
LAC delivered her little girl a little after 9pm last night: 3 to 10 hours earlier than i predicted.
Ben and Mackenzie are about to turn one.
March has become very heavily associated with baby production in my mind,
and in my body.


Grand Marnier said...

*This* is your big announcement? Come on--even in your insomniac-adled state I expected something more. :) Hee hee hee.

I have just the opposite problem--a few weeks ago I slept through my ENTIRE hour of alarm to be woken up by David asking what time I needed to leave for clinical (the answer was 10 minutes prior to him waking me up).

Will school ever be over?

Tracy said...

Announcement??? I don't know what you're talking about... maybe some kind of announcement will be upcoming, but this is just a random observation during a state of sleeplessness.

Anonymous said...

My own periods of lack of sleep come when Marnie's alarm is going off for an hour while I lay in bed wondering whether I should say anything. She has a tough schedule, sure. But what about me and MY sleep schedule?