I seriously love you tube...
Very clever!
This is a "relationship blog", a "parenting blog"... A "2 mommy family" blog. These are some of our stories. We invite you to come laugh, smile, and enjoy the insanity!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Newsletter: month 13
Dear JB,
Today you are 13 months old.
This month has gone by so fast. It seems like we just completed a newsletter 3 days ago. I'm glad the newsletter is due today because if it was due yesterday, oh boy... yesterday you were a real piece of work...
Yesterday you showed an impressive capacity for stubbornness. You had a lot of opinions and could communicate none of them effectively. All three meals were accompanied by tears; real, "drawing tiny rivers on your face" tears. There was pointing and shouting and gesticulating and no rhyme or reason to your behavior. To be fair, you are on day 7 of another 10 day course of antibiotics - Maybe you are just cranky and tired or uncomfortable... There's no way for us to know what discomfort (if any) you are experiencing. There's a chance we've been medicating you unnecessarily, but we gave you a dose of motrin last night and then again this morning. You don't have a fever, but between your teeth and your ear(s), there's no way of knowing if it is pain that has contributed to the disappearance of "Mr Mellow" and the visitation by the "Tiny dictator".
Your mama tells me to chill out and let you have a bad day every once in a while without worrying that you're "turning" like a glass of milk on the front porch in the hot summer sun. Even though you ran her around the ring yesterday too (she said you pointed at the fridge, shouting angrily as she pulled out several types of food, until she found the one you were after) she's right to defend you.
For most of this month you have been perfect and adorable. When we had a house-full of friends come to visit a few weeks ago, the childless-but-trying-couples present declared, "We'd like to order one like him, please." Tonight was a great example of "adorable JB". I came home from work at about 6, and you and I played - I think you belly-laughed and giggled for an hour straight. You especially like when I nuzzle your head or belly with my head, when I "nibble" on your cheeks and jaw, when I put the juggling ball into my mouth and pass it into your mouth. You like to explore the drawers around the house, pull the books out of the shelves, touch and push any buttons on any electronic devices, throw and roll balls to us, and you are getting very good at walking while holding on to only ONE of our fingers.
It seems like you will walk at any moment, but we've only gotten about 2-3 steps out of you at a clip. You are 21.5lbs and something like 31 inches. You are in the 75th percentile on the growth chart for height and 30th percentile for weight. You handled your one year visit like a champ. They had to give you 4 shots which seemed to really hurt you, but prior to the immunizations, they checked a lead level via finger-stick. I swear, you didn't even make a noise. You just looked at this lady who was squeezing the blood out of your recently lanced finger with a furrowed brow and an expression that seemed to say, "Are you qualified to do this?" When we hit the pedi practice last week, you didn't really appreciate at all that they had to inspect your aching ears and Mama said you whimpered all the way home, lulling yourself into a two hour, unscheduled nap.
I'm gonna wrap this up and keep it brief this month, because God knows if I don't, the next newsletter will be upon us. You turned one year old, and then I blinked my eyes and now you are 13 months. These four weeks might have been a mirage. Time passing this quickly is inconceivable. But somehow four weeks have passed, and in the breakneck pace of a full schedule, our hearts have gotten a little more full because (there's no other truth) of the ways you keep us grounded, in awe, and smiling.
We are anxiously waiting for the election next week. The polls have Senator Obama winning in an un-heard-of-in-the-modern-day landslide. We hope with fingers crossed and not-so-silent mumbles to the Lord above that this will really be the result. We have been dreaming that other citizens would be as affected, inspired, and motivated by this man as we are. Nothing would make us feel safer or more proud than for your next four years- the years you learn to walk and talk and reason and dream- to occur in the atmosphere of a President named Barack Obama.
As new parents, fully immersed in change, overwhelmed by the possibilities of what might be, and concerned about the opportunities that await you, it is appropriate to hope for this - for this man to assume his place in history. We have insecurities - yes, but mostly we have dreams for our future, for the future you will grow up in and inherit. These include living in a nation that comes through on the promise that any child-citizen can grow up to be the president, regardless of race or background. We also seek a president that shares our values, that wants to unite this nation and not divide it; who sees intellect and education as inherent building blocks of success; who will put you and all children first and remind parents to do the same; who protects our stakes in the world, but doesn't stain our country's well-earned reputation as a proponent of good will and an honorable, trustworthy nation. Contrary to the policies that have recently guided our leaders, your mommies believe that pacifism, environmentalism, health care as a right, economic safety nets, and a healthy dose of government accountability are moral and patriotic... It has been almost 3 generations since a US president has reminded citizens that they should be charged not with getting rich, not with achieving the 'American dream' at the expense of others, not with asking 'What can you (or the US) do for me?' But instead asking, 'What can we do together for each other?'
So, keep your chubby, sock-less legs crossed...
Maybe next week we'll have something new to celebrate.
We love you little boy,
Your mommies
Today you are 13 months old.
This month has gone by so fast. It seems like we just completed a newsletter 3 days ago. I'm glad the newsletter is due today because if it was due yesterday, oh boy... yesterday you were a real piece of work...
Yesterday you showed an impressive capacity for stubbornness. You had a lot of opinions and could communicate none of them effectively. All three meals were accompanied by tears; real, "drawing tiny rivers on your face" tears. There was pointing and shouting and gesticulating and no rhyme or reason to your behavior. To be fair, you are on day 7 of another 10 day course of antibiotics - Maybe you are just cranky and tired or uncomfortable... There's no way for us to know what discomfort (if any) you are experiencing. There's a chance we've been medicating you unnecessarily, but we gave you a dose of motrin last night and then again this morning. You don't have a fever, but between your teeth and your ear(s), there's no way of knowing if it is pain that has contributed to the disappearance of "Mr Mellow" and the visitation by the "Tiny dictator".
Your mama tells me to chill out and let you have a bad day every once in a while without worrying that you're "turning" like a glass of milk on the front porch in the hot summer sun. Even though you ran her around the ring yesterday too (she said you pointed at the fridge, shouting angrily as she pulled out several types of food, until she found the one you were after) she's right to defend you.
For most of this month you have been perfect and adorable. When we had a house-full of friends come to visit a few weeks ago, the childless-but-trying-couples present declared, "We'd like to order one like him, please." Tonight was a great example of "adorable JB". I came home from work at about 6, and you and I played - I think you belly-laughed and giggled for an hour straight. You especially like when I nuzzle your head or belly with my head, when I "nibble" on your cheeks and jaw, when I put the juggling ball into my mouth and pass it into your mouth. You like to explore the drawers around the house, pull the books out of the shelves, touch and push any buttons on any electronic devices, throw and roll balls to us, and you are getting very good at walking while holding on to only ONE of our fingers.
It seems like you will walk at any moment, but we've only gotten about 2-3 steps out of you at a clip. You are 21.5lbs and something like 31 inches. You are in the 75th percentile on the growth chart for height and 30th percentile for weight. You handled your one year visit like a champ. They had to give you 4 shots which seemed to really hurt you, but prior to the immunizations, they checked a lead level via finger-stick. I swear, you didn't even make a noise. You just looked at this lady who was squeezing the blood out of your recently lanced finger with a furrowed brow and an expression that seemed to say, "Are you qualified to do this?" When we hit the pedi practice last week, you didn't really appreciate at all that they had to inspect your aching ears and Mama said you whimpered all the way home, lulling yourself into a two hour, unscheduled nap.
I'm gonna wrap this up and keep it brief this month, because God knows if I don't, the next newsletter will be upon us. You turned one year old, and then I blinked my eyes and now you are 13 months. These four weeks might have been a mirage. Time passing this quickly is inconceivable. But somehow four weeks have passed, and in the breakneck pace of a full schedule, our hearts have gotten a little more full because (there's no other truth) of the ways you keep us grounded, in awe, and smiling.
We are anxiously waiting for the election next week. The polls have Senator Obama winning in an un-heard-of-in-the-modern-day landslide. We hope with fingers crossed and not-so-silent mumbles to the Lord above that this will really be the result. We have been dreaming that other citizens would be as affected, inspired, and motivated by this man as we are. Nothing would make us feel safer or more proud than for your next four years- the years you learn to walk and talk and reason and dream- to occur in the atmosphere of a President named Barack Obama.
As new parents, fully immersed in change, overwhelmed by the possibilities of what might be, and concerned about the opportunities that await you, it is appropriate to hope for this - for this man to assume his place in history. We have insecurities - yes, but mostly we have dreams for our future, for the future you will grow up in and inherit. These include living in a nation that comes through on the promise that any child-citizen can grow up to be the president, regardless of race or background. We also seek a president that shares our values, that wants to unite this nation and not divide it; who sees intellect and education as inherent building blocks of success; who will put you and all children first and remind parents to do the same; who protects our stakes in the world, but doesn't stain our country's well-earned reputation as a proponent of good will and an honorable, trustworthy nation. Contrary to the policies that have recently guided our leaders, your mommies believe that pacifism, environmentalism, health care as a right, economic safety nets, and a healthy dose of government accountability are moral and patriotic... It has been almost 3 generations since a US president has reminded citizens that they should be charged not with getting rich, not with achieving the 'American dream' at the expense of others, not with asking 'What can you (or the US) do for me?' But instead asking, 'What can we do together for each other?'
So, keep your chubby, sock-less legs crossed...
Maybe next week we'll have something new to celebrate.
We love you little boy,
Your mommies
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Cutest Prop 8 add I've seen
California: Prop 8, the right answer is NO
Florida: Prop 2, the right answer is NO
Connecticut: Question 1, the right answer is NO
All of these ballot initiatives are proposals to take away the rights of same sex couples. By voting no, you are voting to support the rights of "thuh gays."
by TWT,
Current Events,
Gay rights,
The Gayborhood,
Recapping Rachel's Recap
There's some crazy shit going on out there. But if you don't have the time to pay attention, just check in every now and again with my girlfriend, R. Maddow\.
1) "Warning add": Vote for McCain or you will die... Classy. And such a "change" from politics as usual
2) The "hoax" perpetrated by McCain staffer, Ashley Todd, who reported to police that she was attacked by a large, black, Obama supporter who physically and sexually assaulted her and carved a "B" in her face with a knife... Unfortunately, in addition to the many inconsistencies in her story, when she carved the "B" into her own flesh, she forgot that looking in the mirror would make the B appear backwards.
3) The announcement that $150,000 was put out for Sarah Palin's wardrobe, and the highest paid staffer on the McCain campaign pay role is Gov. Palin's traveling make up artist: $22,000 in 2 weeks.
4) Joe McCain, John's brother was recorded calling 9-1-1 to complain and try to get info about traffic. Then he cursed at the dispatch operator and called back later to complain.
On the flip side, Barack Obama's grandmother is sick. I wonder how sick she must be for him to go there now. I'm sure it is related to the fact that my gram was hospitalized this week, but this news has affected profoundly. I am very sad for Senator Obama that he might lose his grandmother at this pivotal time in his life. I am praying that she lives to see him elected.
I hesitate to say that so nonchalantly. So I'll say this... He is leading in all polls. It looks to be the largest margin of victory in many, many presidential elections. But there is a lot of concern about voter fraud and the security of this election seems questionable. There's shouting and murmuring from both sides, but seriously, I will be rioting in the streets if this shit goes all wrong...
1) "Warning add": Vote for McCain or you will die... Classy. And such a "change" from politics as usual
2) The "hoax" perpetrated by McCain staffer, Ashley Todd, who reported to police that she was attacked by a large, black, Obama supporter who physically and sexually assaulted her and carved a "B" in her face with a knife... Unfortunately, in addition to the many inconsistencies in her story, when she carved the "B" into her own flesh, she forgot that looking in the mirror would make the B appear backwards.
3) The announcement that $150,000 was put out for Sarah Palin's wardrobe, and the highest paid staffer on the McCain campaign pay role is Gov. Palin's traveling make up artist: $22,000 in 2 weeks.
4) Joe McCain, John's brother was recorded calling 9-1-1 to complain and try to get info about traffic. Then he cursed at the dispatch operator and called back later to complain.
On the flip side, Barack Obama's grandmother is sick. I wonder how sick she must be for him to go there now. I'm sure it is related to the fact that my gram was hospitalized this week, but this news has affected profoundly. I am very sad for Senator Obama that he might lose his grandmother at this pivotal time in his life. I am praying that she lives to see him elected.
I hesitate to say that so nonchalantly. So I'll say this... He is leading in all polls. It looks to be the largest margin of victory in many, many presidential elections. But there is a lot of concern about voter fraud and the security of this election seems questionable. There's shouting and murmuring from both sides, but seriously, I will be rioting in the streets if this shit goes all wrong...
The week in review
Last Sunday, we went to church, finished staging our insanely clean abode for the impending open house, went back to church for the first of 3 "new members" classes we have been trying to take for several years, and then packed several bags to vacate the house for the rest of the day for the (previously mentioned) open house.
We then went for an amazing hike. We were outside in some of the nicest fall weather for just under 2 hours, my sister, bro-in-law, nieces, papa, son, wife and I taking turns carrying and pushing kids, huffing, puffing, resting, taking pictures, and breathing it all in.
Today, katy and I considered that it might have been that hike and that sweaty, breezy, outside time getting our heart rates up just that little bit, spending time in nature with family that prevented us from falling to pieces during the events of the next 5 days.
On my way out the door this past Monday, I got a call from work that JayCo - the credentialing body for our institution was coming for their unannounced survey... They don't tell you they are coming except the morning of their arrival one can find a post on their website revealing who will be surveyed that day. That's how we learned, "JayCo is ON THE WAY!" And so began the 3 day survey we have been anticipating every day since the first of the year. These were days that required my arrival at work in the 7am range and leaving at about 6pm.
On Monday, I came home, bathed the baby, put him to bed and worked until 2 am finishing up a binder of competency trainings I've been "working on" all year. Tuesday, I missed seeing the baby before bed by 10 minutes. But then hit the sack by 9pm.
Wednesday, when it was almost over, Katy got a call from day care to learn that JB had a temp of 101. She cancelled her patients, brought him to the doctor, got him on antibiotics and then we rushed home to host book club.
Thursday had me bringing our sick baby (who could not be sent to day care within 24 hours of a fever) and 3/4 of our house to work with me (ie-stroller, pack and play, portable highchair, 3 bags of food and supplies) for half a day. At the midway point of the morning I realized that JB had a raging rash on his trunk... drug allergy? Not sure, but nervous. I called and by 3pm the kid had been to the pediatrician 2 times in less than 24 hours. (Are we good moms or what?!?) At around the point I was noticing his rash, I got a call that my gram was bleeding in places that she shouldn't and was going to the hospital emergency room.
Yesterday was a full day of work. JB back to day care, but me worried about his health b/c we decided to stay on the antibiotics since it didn't really look like a "drug rash". My sister played the part of super aunt so my mom could go to my gram's bedside and Katy and I could attend the fundraiser that we were committed to, playing supporting roles on the "host committee". (Let's just say, we are really into supporting gay rights).
I'm tired.
But I am lucky as hell.
To have the wife I have.
To have this life.
But I am so tired.
We then went for an amazing hike. We were outside in some of the nicest fall weather for just under 2 hours, my sister, bro-in-law, nieces, papa, son, wife and I taking turns carrying and pushing kids, huffing, puffing, resting, taking pictures, and breathing it all in.
Today, katy and I considered that it might have been that hike and that sweaty, breezy, outside time getting our heart rates up just that little bit, spending time in nature with family that prevented us from falling to pieces during the events of the next 5 days.
On my way out the door this past Monday, I got a call from work that JayCo - the credentialing body for our institution was coming for their unannounced survey... They don't tell you they are coming except the morning of their arrival one can find a post on their website revealing who will be surveyed that day. That's how we learned, "JayCo is ON THE WAY!" And so began the 3 day survey we have been anticipating every day since the first of the year. These were days that required my arrival at work in the 7am range and leaving at about 6pm.
On Monday, I came home, bathed the baby, put him to bed and worked until 2 am finishing up a binder of competency trainings I've been "working on" all year. Tuesday, I missed seeing the baby before bed by 10 minutes. But then hit the sack by 9pm.
Wednesday, when it was almost over, Katy got a call from day care to learn that JB had a temp of 101. She cancelled her patients, brought him to the doctor, got him on antibiotics and then we rushed home to host book club.
Thursday had me bringing our sick baby (who could not be sent to day care within 24 hours of a fever) and 3/4 of our house to work with me (ie-stroller, pack and play, portable highchair, 3 bags of food and supplies) for half a day. At the midway point of the morning I realized that JB had a raging rash on his trunk... drug allergy? Not sure, but nervous. I called and by 3pm the kid had been to the pediatrician 2 times in less than 24 hours. (Are we good moms or what?!?) At around the point I was noticing his rash, I got a call that my gram was bleeding in places that she shouldn't and was going to the hospital emergency room.
Yesterday was a full day of work. JB back to day care, but me worried about his health b/c we decided to stay on the antibiotics since it didn't really look like a "drug rash". My sister played the part of super aunt so my mom could go to my gram's bedside and Katy and I could attend the fundraiser that we were committed to, playing supporting roles on the "host committee". (Let's just say, we are really into supporting gay rights).
I'm tired.
But I am lucky as hell.
To have the wife I have.
To have this life.
But I am so tired.
by TWT,
Current Events,
Day care,
Gay rights,
The week in review,
Getting in the bath
I made the mistake of letting the water run while filming Jake trying to get into the bath, so it's a little noisy. But so cute!
Another missed deadline
The photos have been uploaded; which was the root cause of the delayed newsletter. Read The Month 12 newsletter here. Do yourself a favor and click on the photos to see them up close.
Getting edgy
I hear you I hear you!
We can feel the readers of our illustrious blog getting a bit ancy for new pics - Amber, I'm talking to you. So, here are two pictures to keep you going until we can get more up. We have almost finished JB's one year newsletter... it will go up this weekend. I swear.
Hanging with Gramps:
How could you not be happy after eating an entire scoop of chocolate ice cream??
We can feel the readers of our illustrious blog getting a bit ancy for new pics - Amber, I'm talking to you. So, here are two pictures to keep you going until we can get more up. We have almost finished JB's one year newsletter... it will go up this weekend. I swear.
Hanging with Gramps:
How could you not be happy after eating an entire scoop of chocolate ice cream??
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Mama's home
The family is back together :)
Katy is back from her conference...
I have a lot more respect for single parents than I did before.
This week I drove 750 miles in 5 days: A trip to Boston to see the Sox get annihilated (first time in Fenway park in more than 4 years) and then a trip to RI for work. The day I had to travel for work, I had to have Nana do a day care drop off at 7:15am and the poor dude (JB) was at work camp from 7:15am to 5:15pm.
Katy is back from her conference...
I have a lot more respect for single parents than I did before.
This week I drove 750 miles in 5 days: A trip to Boston to see the Sox get annihilated (first time in Fenway park in more than 4 years) and then a trip to RI for work. The day I had to travel for work, I had to have Nana do a day care drop off at 7:15am and the poor dude (JB) was at work camp from 7:15am to 5:15pm.
by TWT,
Life is Good,
Life of Mommies,
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Reporting from Los Angeles County
I'm currently in LA for a "business trip". The business is learning more about insulin pumps and continuous monitoring. It's been fantastic so far with a beautiful drive up the Pacific Coast Highway and then through the Topanga Canyon. Last night a dinner at the 'Changs. And today a lovely walk through the history of implantable medical devices, specifically insulin pumps. Tonight, a dinner at Roy's (a restaurant, not someone I know). Tomorrow, the long flight home to see my boo and my baby boo.
Missing home... but trying to party like I'm in Minnesota like my wife implored me to do....
Missing home... but trying to party like I'm in Minnesota like my wife implored me to do....
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Gay wedding day
Out of nowhere, the CT supreme court came down with a "you can't say we can't get married- it's unconstitutional" 4-3 decision. It's not really out of nowhere... it's nearly two years in the waiting. But it is strange timing.
While the Californians are trying to vote down Proposition 8, we might have our own constitutional crisis on our hands. Unlike MA, where voters can petition to edit the state constitution by referendum, our CT state constitution is only opened up every 20 year. That is, every 20 years on election day, the citizens vote as to whether or not they want to ratify the constitution. And, you guessed it, this is that year... So the only thing that can keep the gays from legal marriage at this point is a constitutional ammendment defining marriage as "only one penis and one vagina". If the ruling from the CT supreme court had come down after election day, there would be no chance for a discriminatory constitutional ammendment for another 20 years. But I guess it is good. Maybe there are no coincidences. I really thought CT was poised to be the first state of the union to enact MARRIAGE EQUALITY without a judicial ruling. We are very close to having a legislative body that would have passed it... and then we could do without all the "activist judges" blahblahblahing from the right.
At least with this constitutional process, there will be voter involvement. I don't think there are enough CT residents who want to overturn this ruling to vote to initiate the constitutional convention. I might be wrong, but if that's true, then the question is in essence put to the voters. Let me be clear, it is INSANE for a rational person to think that the rights of a minority population should be put to popular vote, but in this case, I think we have the votes and that's a pretty good precedent to set too.
For those who aren't into this stuff, let me essplain.. no time to essplain, let me sum up:
- the ct supreme court said, "civil unions aren't enough... gay folks should be allowed to be MARRIED"
- Now the lower court has to set a date for this to happen and the CT legislature has to make some laws for about HOW this will happen. (will civil unions just become marriages? Will CU be null and void? Will you have to pay for a marriage license and get married if you were civil unioned before? etc.)
- When the eyes are dotted and tees are crossed legally, ss couples in CT will be allowed to get married and call themselves married in the state
- No church will be forced to marry any couple- churches decide who can get married in their parish community
- The rights we receive by the state of CT as a married couple will not be extended to federal benefits until the Defense of Marriage Act is struck down. (F)
- DOMA is a FEDERAL LAW that says, "even if your state recognizes you as a married couple, the federal government does not unless one participant has a penis and one participant has a vagina." (so we're not really leaving it up to the states are we?)
- In other words, if Katy and I were to get married, we would not have access to each other's social security benefits, we would not have access to medical benefits if either of us become a member of congress or other branch of the federal government (it could happen!), we get taxed on medical benefits that one provides to the other, we have to file taxes separately (pretending to be two separate entities even as we are a single family unit on our state taxes and all our property is jointly owned and we have a son who we both parent... together... who should claim him as a dependent this year?)
- If we leave our state no state has to treat us as married. They don't have to because of the penis/vagina thing. I am not particularly jonesin' to go to Alabama, but rest assured, there is a law there on the books that specifically says: "I don't give a pale turd what your liberal, punk-assed state thinks you're entitled to... down here, we'll call dykes if you pass us on the street but we'll only call you "friends" if you're in a hospital waiting room. 'Cause believe you-me, "friends" don't have a right to shit during an emergency" (I swear, it says that right in the constitutional ammendment.)
Anyway, like I said on Fox 61 that time, "It's a great day."
By the way, Katy was on NPR in NY this morning having been interviewed by a radio person yesterday about the decision.
While the Californians are trying to vote down Proposition 8, we might have our own constitutional crisis on our hands. Unlike MA, where voters can petition to edit the state constitution by referendum, our CT state constitution is only opened up every 20 year. That is, every 20 years on election day, the citizens vote as to whether or not they want to ratify the constitution. And, you guessed it, this is that year... So the only thing that can keep the gays from legal marriage at this point is a constitutional ammendment defining marriage as "only one penis and one vagina". If the ruling from the CT supreme court had come down after election day, there would be no chance for a discriminatory constitutional ammendment for another 20 years. But I guess it is good. Maybe there are no coincidences. I really thought CT was poised to be the first state of the union to enact MARRIAGE EQUALITY without a judicial ruling. We are very close to having a legislative body that would have passed it... and then we could do without all the "activist judges" blahblahblahing from the right.
At least with this constitutional process, there will be voter involvement. I don't think there are enough CT residents who want to overturn this ruling to vote to initiate the constitutional convention. I might be wrong, but if that's true, then the question is in essence put to the voters. Let me be clear, it is INSANE for a rational person to think that the rights of a minority population should be put to popular vote, but in this case, I think we have the votes and that's a pretty good precedent to set too.
For those who aren't into this stuff, let me essplain.. no time to essplain, let me sum up:
- the ct supreme court said, "civil unions aren't enough... gay folks should be allowed to be MARRIED"
- Now the lower court has to set a date for this to happen and the CT legislature has to make some laws for about HOW this will happen. (will civil unions just become marriages? Will CU be null and void? Will you have to pay for a marriage license and get married if you were civil unioned before? etc.)
- When the eyes are dotted and tees are crossed legally, ss couples in CT will be allowed to get married and call themselves married in the state
- No church will be forced to marry any couple- churches decide who can get married in their parish community
- The rights we receive by the state of CT as a married couple will not be extended to federal benefits until the Defense of Marriage Act is struck down. (F)
- DOMA is a FEDERAL LAW that says, "even if your state recognizes you as a married couple, the federal government does not unless one participant has a penis and one participant has a vagina." (so we're not really leaving it up to the states are we?)
- In other words, if Katy and I were to get married, we would not have access to each other's social security benefits, we would not have access to medical benefits if either of us become a member of congress or other branch of the federal government (it could happen!), we get taxed on medical benefits that one provides to the other, we have to file taxes separately (pretending to be two separate entities even as we are a single family unit on our state taxes and all our property is jointly owned and we have a son who we both parent... together... who should claim him as a dependent this year?)
- If we leave our state no state has to treat us as married. They don't have to because of the penis/vagina thing. I am not particularly jonesin' to go to Alabama, but rest assured, there is a law there on the books that specifically says: "I don't give a pale turd what your liberal, punk-assed state thinks you're entitled to... down here, we'll call dykes if you pass us on the street but we'll only call you "friends" if you're in a hospital waiting room. 'Cause believe you-me, "friends" don't have a right to shit during an emergency" (I swear, it says that right in the constitutional ammendment.)
Anyway, like I said on Fox 61 that time, "It's a great day."
By the way, Katy was on NPR in NY this morning having been interviewed by a radio person yesterday about the decision.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Look who's talking
Cam Cam, 9 days from her first birthday, has a list of multisyllable words she can say, including: baby, Elmo, alligator... i shit you not.
Jake's really into the sound "o" right now.
But I guess that blows the (already debunked by mac theory) that a binki might "inhibit language skills".
Anyway, with the election 4 weeks away and the economy in the toilet Kt announced from our bed this morning:
"I have 2 messages for the world... One, CamCam can talk. Two everyone needs to take a xanax and chill the fuck out" (NPR music playing in the background.)
When my super-calm, never anxiety-prone wife is telling the world the "c-t-f-out" we might have a national crisis on our hands.
Jake's really into the sound "o" right now.
But I guess that blows the (already debunked by mac theory) that a binki might "inhibit language skills".
Anyway, with the election 4 weeks away and the economy in the toilet Kt announced from our bed this morning:
"I have 2 messages for the world... One, CamCam can talk. Two everyone needs to take a xanax and chill the fuck out" (NPR music playing in the background.)
When my super-calm, never anxiety-prone wife is telling the world the "c-t-f-out" we might have a national crisis on our hands.
by TWT,
Current Events,
Developmental milestones,
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Falling asleep into your pizza
Tonight, JB had his first taste of Pizza. 2 nights in a row, he's been so tired at home after day care, that I've had to take him with me into the shower to get him to calm down. Last night, he wouldn't even eat dinner. Tonight, when I got home, kt had already fed him dinner, and he was looking like he was going to melt down, but he was intrigued by what we were eating for dinner.
Kt offered him a nibble of her pizza and he acted like he got a second wind... He was lapping it up for about 5 minutes and then he threw it down and put his head in the plate with the slice.
Once again, the mommies pushed it too far... anyway, that "shower-to-calm-down" thing really works!
Kt offered him a nibble of her pizza and he acted like he got a second wind... He was lapping it up for about 5 minutes and then he threw it down and put his head in the plate with the slice.
Once again, the mommies pushed it too far... anyway, that "shower-to-calm-down" thing really works!
by TWT,
House and home,
Life of Mommies,
Sleep patterns
Kissing cousins
This week, they put the kids in the one year old room. It would have been traumatic for JB's mommies if CamCam had not gone in there with him. There are all these new rules about sleeping and eating and wearing shoes... At home, JB is a little bit of a mess. Twice, he's going to bed before 7pm which makes me very sad b/c it means I am seeing him less than an hour at night and about 1.5 hours in the morning (which is not my best time of the day.)
Yesterday, I brought JB to day care and he saw Cam for the first time in 2 days (His grannies have been in town watching him at home since his birthday.) Well, Cammie saw me and started crawling at break-neck pace. And JB started crawling towards her as well. I was nervous that when they met each other he might swat at her or something because he's been a little rambunctious lately. But, when they met up, they both sat up, faced each other and clapped. Then they put their foreheads together and each put their hands on the cheeks of the other. I had to turn away to keep from weeping. It might have been the sweetest thing I have ever seen.
Then, quite unable to drive away at that moment, I stalled by going into the 2 year old room to see Mac. She dropped her spoon and RAN to give me the biggest hug. And the hundreds of hours of driving I've done to put this kid in day care with his cousins is instantly some of the best time I've spent.
Yesterday, I brought JB to day care and he saw Cam for the first time in 2 days (His grannies have been in town watching him at home since his birthday.) Well, Cammie saw me and started crawling at break-neck pace. And JB started crawling towards her as well. I was nervous that when they met each other he might swat at her or something because he's been a little rambunctious lately. But, when they met up, they both sat up, faced each other and clapped. Then they put their foreheads together and each put their hands on the cheeks of the other. I had to turn away to keep from weeping. It might have been the sweetest thing I have ever seen.
Then, quite unable to drive away at that moment, I stalled by going into the 2 year old room to see Mac. She dropped her spoon and RAN to give me the biggest hug. And the hundreds of hours of driving I've done to put this kid in day care with his cousins is instantly some of the best time I've spent.
VP debate tonight
The trouble is...
The expectations set for Sar.ah Palin are so low that as long as she doesn't vomit on herself or shoot a wolf from the stage, I think some will vote her the victor no matter what happens.
The expectations set for Sar.ah Palin are so low that as long as she doesn't vomit on herself or shoot a wolf from the stage, I think some will vote her the victor no matter what happens.
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