Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Life in the fast lane

I think we as a society should put more emphasis on good driving mores. Certain stupidities become downright dangerous in icy conditions. Particularly, I'd like to teach the world this lesson:

If you are in the passing lane, you should be passing SOMETHING!

Every once in a while (while driving in the passing lane) a driver should ask themselves: Have I passed anything lately? Are there cars up ahead that I will pass soon? Are there cars passing me? Are there cars lined up behind me that would pass me if I moved out of the passing lane?

Too often it seems that drivers feel the passing lane is for a citizens' enforcement of the speed limit... or imposing their own version of a "15-mile above-the-limit limit" This causes me (and many others) to have to pass on the right, in the slow lane, in order to get back in the passing lane. I was taught that it is illegal to pass on the right (on a 2 lane road, at least) but I think it should be illegal to STAY in the PASSING LANE and force others to pass you.

In wintery conditions, ONE car should move over; as opposed to several needing to veer around Mr. or Mrs. "I decide how fast the entire world will drive in the snow and ice... can't you see my knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel because I'm too terrified or incompetent to move over and drive my Q-tip speed in the NON-PASSING LANE!!!"

Please, fellow citizens, pass this message on: There is no shame in driving slow, just get the hell out of my the way.

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