Saturday, February 03, 2007

The neighbors' secret pain

While we love our street and the feel of our neighborhood, our neighbors on either side are bizarre and quirky...

I know what many readers are thinking... YOU would dare call someone ELSE QUIRKY?!? And yes, that's my point- I can not relate to these people at all.

It might be the 175 year age difference to the east, but on the western boarder of our property, there are several differences of opinion:
Opinion 1) How much smoking is healthy?
Us: not much
Them: 1-2 cigarettes per minute around the clock

Opinion 2) How many cars does a 2-driver driveway need?
Us: 1-3
Them: 3-5

Opinion 3) How much time should homeowners spend on lawn care?
Us: as little as possible
Them: every waking moment (special care is taken to utilize the earliest waking moments- 7 to 10am in the summer)

Opinion 4) How many pets are you home long enough to care for?
Us: zero to 0.4 (which rounds down to zero)
Them: 3-6... they are home for most parts of every day

Opinion 5) How much yapping of your animals is acceptable?
Us: tiny amounts, especially the animals should not bark incessantly without any understanding of property law. NOTE TO DOGS: It's okay for us to go out into our back yard. It is hard not to scream "I'll get you my pretty" when dogs that weigh approximately the same as an economy-sized can of tuna don't understand that we are allowed to be on our side of their fence.
Them: This question makes no sense to them... all amounts of yapping are acceptable.

Opinion 6) How long should Christmas lights adorn the house?
Them: Dec 15th until Jan 6th. No more, no less.
Us: At least until there's a respectable amount of snowfall, or until spring, whichever comes first... or until, well, I'm not sure we even have an opinion on this...

I think we cause them way more emotional distress than they cause us.

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