Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Very bad things

Yesterday we found out that katy's boss' family died in a break-in, robbery, arson attack.

We don't know much, the details of the story are still unfolding, but we do know that he was beaten very badly, and his wife and 2 daughters are all dead. This is clearly one of the most surreal and tragic things that could possibly have happened. We are grief-stricken and more than a little freaked out. We met them last summer when we were invited to attend the summer picnic for the job that katy was about to start. We immediately felt welcomed by this family and the large work-family they were the center of.

Assuming that katy would work at this job for a long time, we looked forward to many times together with their family... There was no need to rush to get to know them better. We attended a few Uconn basketball games with them; we planned on having them over for dinner after the baby was born. Without realizing I was making these plans, I envisioned everyday socializing and big events that we would share: their younger daughter maybe babysitting on occasion and probably us attending the wedding of their older daughter. I imagined his wife cooing over our little one and us soliciting parenting tips from them.

It is strange. And that is an inadequate word.

Kt's boss is still in the hospital- recovering physically will likely be the easiest part of whatever comes next for him. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

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