Sunday, July 01, 2007

I'd like to phone a friend

Here's a snippet of a conversation the feds overheard two days ago, if they had my cell phone wire-tap turned on:

womb whisperer: Why didn't you call me crying about the one hour glucose test?
tt: Well, we had it pretty much under control and I was trying not to make a big deal about it.
ww: I want to be kept in the loop with all the little details.
tt: okay, well here's one... Some clear stuff has started occassionally leaking out of my nipples.
ww: HOOOOOOOoooooooooooRRRRRAAAAAAAAAaaaaaayyyyyy!!!
tt: That wasn't my exact emotion, but okay... I'm glad you approve.


Anonymous said...

a) what are you doing posting blogs at 6:56am on a sunday?
b) i have to say, the excitement was a bit of "fuck yeah, your body's working AWESOMELY" and "oh, how cool is that?! can we stick it on a slide and look at it under a microscope?"
3) i'm sick. i know.

a (-:

Tracy said...

yeah, you're "sick" but great... that's how you earned the title womb whisperer.

Tracy said...

Oh, and don't worry, I went back to bed and just woke up!