Sunday, April 02, 2006

Nature vs. Nurture

These are two big pines that guard the northern border of our estate. Supposedly, I own these trees.

Not "supposedly" as in "Where is the property line?"

But "supposedly" as in "How could i possibly feel ownership over something so much larger, older, and so clearly more grounded than i am?"

I couldn't begin to guess how tall these trees are, or how long ago they sprouted,

but if you look


Or here,

You'll notice amazing beauty but also, a lot of dead branches...

Whereas, if you look here,

you'll see a whole lot of precarious LEANING set against an amazing array of dead branches.

Now, here's the really impressive part.

If you look in the direction of the leaning, you see mostly wide open space, except for one minor setback:

Saddly, I know that these glorious pines are taller than the distance they are from this little box we like to call home. I love these trees, but I might love this house more.

Perhaps I was a lumberjack in a former life.


Grand Marnier said...

I love the picture of the back of your house--I am so jealous that you two have a WHOLE house! :) (David will probably yell at me for writing that.)

As for the trees--that is the MO of pine trees: grow really tall, but only have living branches at the top. Their goal is to be the tallest trees in the forest. Wisconsin is full of pine forests that have this marvelous smell and beautiful dappled light.

Tracy said...

This is good- that our trees are "normal" and not diseased, I now only have to worry about huge dead branches falling onto people's heads, and not cutting our house in two.

BTW, thanks for noticing how cute the back of our house is :)