Saturday, April 01, 2006

Three-hour Sleep Cycle

I had a little coffee yesterday. When I say "a little" I mean one cup: 1/2 decaf, 1/2 regular Dunkin' Doughnuts coffee. Not the huge, mother, styrofoam cups that you get if you order an individual coffee, but the tiny (what are they? maybe 12 oz?) paper/cardboard freebe cups that you get if you order a "Box of Joe" to go. I love the smell of coffee and (I'm seeing a pattern here) the ritual. But I rarely drink the stuff- it reeks havoc on my GI track... makes me feel twitchy and nervous. When I do drink coffee, I add plenty of cream and sugar turning it into a dessert of sorts. I have a completely unscientific theory that these ingredients will somehow counter-act the tweeky, jumpy, I-might-need-to-run-to-the-bathroom, does-anyone-hear-that-police-siren-and-should-I-be-talking-this-fast effect that a normal-sized cup'a java has on me.
Sometimes I can't resist it, though.
Especially if it's sitting right there...
And there is a whole bag of those little creamers...
and sugar packets... and stirrers...
And there are a group of people gathered around,
clutching their cups while engaged in pleasant conversation...
And if my mental state has already got me feeling
a little sensitive, shaky, or neurotic...
I figure, what harm can this do???

I definitely did not have enough coffee yesterday morning to have affected my sleep last night, but a disturbing trend has arisen. Every three hours, I wake up ready to start the day until i realize the time. Yesterday, I saw 11pm (bedtime), 2 am (up for 30 minutes) and 5:30am. Last night, I turned in at 10pm (I know, that's hot... 10pm on a Friday night) and woke up at 1:05 am. I stayed up with some suduko for an hour, and then the eyes flashed open at 5am. What's the deal??? I hope it is anxiety, lack of exercise, and/or impending old age, and not sleep apnea or psychiatric disorders... Call me crazy (bad pun) that's just my preference.

The strangest part of all is that 1) I remembered my dreams last night- i usually don't remember my dreams, and 2) I dreamed extensively about trying to get myself a cup of coffee. In my dream, I kept going to various independent and franchise coffee outlets and ordering AND paying for a coffee, but then leaving without it. I was down $30 in paid-for but never received coffee when I woke up.

I hate to blame little Mackenzie for all of this, but she is also on a 3-hour sleep cycle. Even though she and I are in different houses in different towns, it's just a little too ironic, don't you think?!?


Grand Marnier said...

I totally agree with you--it's the smell of coffee that draws me in every time. Since being in school and totally stressed and sleep-deprived, I have started drinking coffee again, but it's rare that I can ever finish the whole cup (also with lots of sugar, half-n-half (or as my mom says "arf-n-arf") and cinnamon). Plus, I just feel so cool walking around campus with my cup from the student-run coffee place that only sells free-trade, oganic, shade-grown java.

P.S. David says there is NO shame in hitting the sack at 10 pm.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else see Tom Delay's face with a big ol' X right threw it in that cup of coffee? Or am I even more sleep deprived than the rest of you?