Monday, September 04, 2006

And a good time was had by all...

This is what it looks like after the "Orlops" get together. (don't ask about the name - it only proves what kind of dorks we are) We had a great weekend with our dear friends - two of my friends from Smith and their husbands. It's now an annual get-together made easier by our friends at Southwest Airlines.

KFH: you're awesome. You never cease to amaze me, from being a great NICU NP to running a half marathon, you are a kick-ass woman!

AH: thanks for all the help in the kitchen and with the computer this weekend, couldn't have done it without you!

MRL: I'm so impressed with all you know just from one year of nursing school - I think you are going to be a great RN and NP. Thanks, too, for the leadership to get us into the bathrooms at the Smith Art Museum sans entry fee.

DL: Our relationship with sTiVo is in a whole new era thanks to you. I do love google and all the programs it provides us, however, I have to say they would mean nothing to me without you!

Can't wait for the next meeting, hopefully the third time will be the charm with no snow, and no Ernesto. MRL and DL are up next! Posted by Picasa

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