Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I voted today!

What the F?! Our local voting locale did not have the I voted stickers! It is truly a shame. They didn't have them for the primary either and that was sort of understandable. But we're voting to change the world here! Everyone should know I voted (and be inspired to do the same)!

I'm fairly certain there are going to be reports of voting problems, especially with so many places now going computerized. And don't get me wrong, I'm as pissed off as the next person about people not getting their vote counted. But, even with all the problems, we went to vote this morning and no one shot at us. They didn't even give us the hairy eye-ball. We were free to be jolly with the Ned Lamont supporter and vote without fear of retribution. It's a special thing to be able to do that.

But I really would have liked an I voted sticker.

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