Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Apparently farting is popular

I thought this story was particularly hilarious given the fact that we are flying to "round on the outside high in the middle" tomorrow.

So, some lady farts on a plane. She lights a match (this technique works quite well to be sure). The plane gets grounded. The plane is screened, no "bombs" are found, and it takes off again. Eventually, everyone makes it to Dallas and all is well.

What makes this story hilarious is that 1.) She was probably the most thoughtful person on the plane and 2.) on, you have a choice between "Top Stories" and "Most Popular". This particular item is no longer a "top story" but it is, not surprisingly, the most popular.

1 comment:

Grand Marnier said...

David and I cracked your code. Have fun in Ohio! (We did have to resort to Google, however...

But David wants to point out that it is Ohio, not Ohigho. I told him to stop arguing the semantics of the phrase with me. :)