Monday, December 04, 2006

Maybe it's the show

I'm home- sickie- today... the sore throat won't go away, and the cough kept me up all night. So, this morning I moved from bed to the couch and avoided the driving/work thing altogether.

The talk shows were annoying me and i remembered that SNL was TiVo'd. I started saving SNL b/c I couldn't stay awake until 1am anymore on a saturday and it made me sad to miss the sketch comedy.

Push play on Steve-o.
Laugh at some opening political skit.
Lie down and get comfy.
Fall asleep.
Wake up briefly during first musical number.
Think, "oh good... just in time, 'weekend update' will be next."
Wake up to see the credits rolling.

What happened to me at 10 am is exactly what used to happen to me on saturday nights, to the minute... Losing Tina Fey might have been the last straw... Maybe I'm not the one getting old.

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