Wednesday, April 04, 2007

This is so WACK!

On my lunch break, I'm trolling the web a little and I stumble onto a blog that has a baby ticker that looks like this:

I think it is all very intriguing, but kind of too... well, how to put this... fetus fundamentalist. It looks kind of gross to me, mostly because I associated it with a bad "anti-choice" ad. See how those abortion-clinic-bombers have poisoned my mind??? Even a re-creation of my own Bean seems somehow propaganda-licious and ickey.

Maybe some of you are like, "T, I think you are the wacked one... look what a beautiful gift from God that pregnancy ticker is..." and to that I say,
"Hmmm, Okay. What about this:"

You can shove up to 10 babies in there!!! Is that okay??? Is that normal??? Is that a beautiful vision???
It is not.
It makes me think people love fetuses a little too much.
Fetuses and dogs...

As a beautiful and talented diva-turned-addict once said:
It is not right, but it's okay, I'm gonna make it anyway.

I think this could be amusing to check in on, but I can't bring myself to post it in the sidebar. So I am going to make this post available under "Posts that explain some things."

Swim tight- little, on-line reproductions of fetal growth... we'll see you on the flip side!

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