Thursday, February 23, 2006

Some good news for a change

You are not going to believe it: ConnectiCare came through like a champ!

Okay, a little back-story is probably necessary... As all of you know, human babies are normally delivered by storks (or in Las Vegas, occasionally- flamingos). The Christian Coalition and the Right wing of the Republican party (like there is a difference in membership between those 2 organizations) have claimed control over procreation since the beginning of time. But they have really only had their misguided eye(s) on baby distribution since 1967. When the supreme court ruled that prohibiting inter-racial marriage was unconstitutional, conservative politicos raced into action in an effort to prevent storks from delivering babies to the "wrong kinds of people."

Quietly, oil tycoons and other rich folk have been backing and buying into the struggling stork-breeding industry. US stork breeders have gained increasing control in the regulatory aspects of stork-delivery as well. This plot, though rooted in profound racial bigotry has proved an effective weapon against lesbians and gay men also. Now that we are the lightening rods of bible-thumping, religious outrage, it seems we just can't get the damn stork to deliver!!!

That's where insurance and infertility treatment come in...

Some of you know and others will be surprised to learn that Katy and I have been trying to get pregnant for the better part of a year now. At some point in January, ConnectiCare realized that we were a couple "without a male partner" a fact that we did not attempt to hide from anyone; especially not ConnectiCare- since Katy is listed as my spouse and gets her health coverage through my member ID. After several months of unsuccessful insemination attempts, we were encouraged by our doctor to try IVF. At that point the insurance company looked around as if to say, "It can't be my kid, you must have slept with someone else," and tried to avoid picking up the tab. Several phone calls, 30 days, and 2 strongly-worded letters later, we were told, "the denial of care is being overturned." Who can even believe this?!? We didn't come close to threatening a lawsuit, we just asked reasonable questions and were treated reasonably. Oh my heavens, Pat Robertson must be praying for our insurance company and threatening a natural disaster on them right now. Thank you ConnectiCare, you made our week!

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