Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Play on, Playa's

Okay, I can't let the reality TV rant go with out mentioning the most awesome show I've never seen: THE PLAYER.

If "Who wants to marry a multi-millionaire" slept with "The bachlorette..."
and in some other dingy basement across town,
"For love or Money" had a nasty romp with "Dismissed..."
and if each of those one night stands produced illegitimate children-
who ended up drunk and naked after the prom...
the product of THAT union would be "The player!"

Apparently, on this show, a woman (who considers herself a "player") has to chose the one guy out of 15 (all self-proclaimed "Players") who is not playing her, but has genuine feelings. The punch line (and the reason the show has won my heart) is b/c every episode, the chick dismisses a dude by saying something like, "I'm not getting played, don't hate the player, hate the game." And then she turns to the remaining meat and says: "PLAY ON PLAYA'S!"

We should all have such standard, straight forward mottos...
And unto you, my dear peeps, i say: "Playa's...Play on"

Hat tip to L ;)

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