Thursday, June 29, 2006

Woodland Critters

I just don't understand how bunnies protect themselves?
We have a butt-load of rabbits around our clover-filled yard. They are cute and furry, but I don't see how they really survive. There are a few baby bunnies now, and except for their lightening quick reflexes... what exactly protects these things from predators? Maybe they are very witty and keep their attackers laughing. Or trick them by pointing, sneakily to a non-existent "danger" behind the enemy. Or maybe it is with the hypnotic, shake-shake of a shapely cottontail, my little friends buy themselves enough time to "high-tail-it" out of there (heehee).

I told you, i told you, but you wouldn't believe me- no...

'just a little bunny rabbit...'

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