Monday, August 06, 2007

Harry Potter

Finally finished #7 on Thursday. The Deathly Hallows came to us at a bizarre time.

I'm gonna have to read it again. I started it Sunday, July 22nd which ended up being the night this happened... I read it not in chapters, but groups of pages at a time- in between periods of extreme sadness, anxiety, hospital visits, memorial services, and sleeplessness. I had about 24 more pages to go when we were deciding whether or not to go to the hospital b/c we couldn't feel the baby moving...

Long and short of it is that is was a strange time to be reading a book about dark and good magic, that is about growing up, overcoming impossible odds, and symbolizes the end of an era. I thought the book ended the series well, but I think I'm gonna have to read it again to say anything more.

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