Monday, April 28, 2008

Newsletter: month 7

Sweet JB,

This news letter is going to be short this month.

But I didn't want to miss at least posting some pictures of you.

You got a 2nd ear infection this month.

But you are not taking medicine as easily this time

You are sitting up

You are talking: da-da-da

You are starting to experience more separation anxiety.

And you will start to cry when we leave the room now...

You smack your lips when you are eating.

You spit out bananas.

You like spinach and potatoes and other veggies.

You don't like fruit (babyfood)

Your tiny feet stink after a day in socks.

You like to look at board books

You have started putting your arms up to be picked up.

We have stopped using the carrier car seat and put you into the bigger one in the rear-facing position.

You are in 6 to9 month or 6-12 month clothes depending on the brand.

You had your church dedication this month.

Your Mommy and Mama love you

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