Monday, May 15, 2006


K.T. and I just plowed through the entire first season of Lost on DVD. (Oh, netflix: i love you...)

This is a great show. And for those of you who have been telling me I should have been watching Lost all along I would just like to point out: Watching this show without commercials is sweetness that you cannot even comprehend!!! All those suspense filled, cliff-hanging (sometimes literally) moments instantly gratified and satisfied without a Hummer, McDonalds, or Outback Steakhouse coming into play! Or without (and I can NOT express enough gratitude for this) the God-Danged "Action News 8" teaser, "Which Connecticut interstate should you avoid on your commute home tonight? How did an asbestos fire affect some area school children- Jim Taint is standing by live at Chogginhog High [in the dark, where no one cares anymore, because nothing has happened at the school since 10 am...] Plus, How much rain can you expect tomorrow? Rob Knownuts will give you your first look at the weather, tonight at eleven..."

God, I really hate the local news.

Anyway, back to Lost. As I've said, I am only up thru season one, so most of you know a whole heck of a lot more than i do about the development of characters and (i say) "future" (you say "present") plot twists. But... Is it just me, or is Jack Shepard is a real asshole? I welcome the debate and/or backlash on this, but I mean how many times do I have to hear him screaming at everyone like he's the Lord of the Island. Sure, he's scruffy and cute, and i'm glad that one of the Salingers scored a successful gig, but I especially don't appreciate the verbal slapping around he heaps on Kate all the time. Just because she is HOT, doesn't mean she's not smart and capable. If he would stop barking orders long enough to notice her costume changes, (HELLooooooooo, Cargo pants!) I think that he would display some desperately needed humility. The chicks on that island are running, jumping, bleeding, shooting, and fixing things as much as the dudes, but the women have to absorb all of the yelling, snide comments, and nagging condescension of the frightened, needy, and frustrated men ... Mu-THER! Just once when Jack and Sawyer are taking turns insulting and berating Kate, I'd like her to drop kick the both of them into silence- it is so unrealistic that her character doesn't stick up for herself more.

The only other thing that is hard to take is that "realism" suffers due to the obvious censoring of these characters. (How else to allow their story on prime time?) Most of these situations cause me to unconsciously stammer a curse or two- out from under my fleece throw on the living room couch. I mean, Sawyer, John Locke, Jack, Kate... these are some tough nuts! That there aren't F'bombs flying all around each and every time a monster tries to eat someone, or a stick of dynamite blows a survivor into tiny, wet chunks makes me feel a little dead inside. Nothing says fear, lack of control, or losing a grip on your sanity like a string of four letter words. For example, when i started driving in Boston, I shocked myself with unexpected, foul-mouthed brilliance. (Driving in Boston is a little like being sold by your family to the owners of a brothel, you've got to learn to FIGHT to survive...) And that was DRIVING in Boston for God's sake... that was not surviving a plane crash and fighting the elements, injuries, disease, plus aliens or demons or dinosaurs, or a living island, or whatever the hell these people are fighting!!!

Anyhoo, I don't know what we are going to do for the 3-4 hours a day we were catching up on the show that all our peeps are addicted to... it is hard enough avoiding the media blitz when the TV is switched to DVD mode. Talk to you when season two comes out, I guess...

Oh one more thing. This show has confirmed what i've always known- NEVER, never dress up when flying... If you gotta look good when you get there, bring a garment bag on board and change in the airport bathroom. Casual dress is really important... and for heaven's sake, on an airplane: wear boots and dress in layers!!!

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