Thursday, May 18, 2006

The sun'll come out... tomorrow?

The sun finally made its reappearance yesterday and today after nearly 2 weeks of solid rain. And my flowers are ecstatic. The garden (courtesy of my mother) looks amazing. Everything is bushy and green and growing at an astounding rate (or they were until monsoon season came). The Siberian Irises are SO close to blooming, and the rose bushes we planted last year are covered in buds. The cat mint (nepeta), snow in summer (cerastium) and neon star (dianthus) are all blooming despite the crummy weather. And, finally, the lily leaf lady bells (adenophora lilifolia) are very very close (one more sunny day and they'll be out!).

Not to be outdone, the remaining plants (echinecea, blackeyed susans, day lilies, delphinium, sage, and lavendar) will be along shortly.

As if that weren't enough, my mother's christmas gift to me arrived today: 7 new rose bushes. They are tiny right now, but in good shape. Given the crowd scene in my existing gardens, it seems as though I have no choice but to dig another. But, as a good friend remarked mere weeks ago, sometimes good hard physical work is good to keep the worry of life away.

Finally, I also hung my hummingbird feeder this afternoon. If you've never sat on a porch and watched hummingbirds swarm a feeder, I suggest you try to do so this summer. It is simply divine.

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