Sunday, May 21, 2006

Taste the Rainbow

Yesterday, on the way home from the best co-ed, intergenerational, multi-ethnic, lesbian BBQ/"Babies Shower" I've ever been to, we saw the most amazing rainbow. Of course, we were on an interstate at the time, so I don't have a great shot (this one is from sticking my Sony Cybershot out the window at 60 mph) but it was a full 'bow that spanned the sky, and it had at least 7 different bands of color. If you look in the left corner of the photo, it was actually a "double rainbow" with "supernumerary arcs" but who knows these things without the help of the internet and google. There's a section here on "perceived light" that is quite more than i care to sum up on this rainy Sunday. But i learned a little about light and ray refraction, and the anatomy of human eyeballs:

Even if you're sitting in the same car, looking out the same windshield- because rainbows look different from every relative point, and because every brain perceives the light signals uniquely, no two people see the same rainbow. (Side bar: Interesting metaphor for marriage.)

All i wanted to say is that the rainbow was AWESOME!
I've really never seen anything like it.
It made me feel like, maybe all those religious activists are right-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rainbow War - I am sending you an e-mail with an even better double rainbow taken last weekend from our hotel in that MoFo