Wednesday, July 09, 2008

9 month well-child visit

The kid went to the doctor yesterday.

He's awesome:
29 1/2 inches (90th percentile)
19 lbs 4 oz (30th percentile)

Dr L explained that this was fine. That breastfed babies usually drop in their weight curve- normal, nothing to worry about... When kids are as chunky-healthy-looking as ours, do parents really worry about a drop on the growth curve??? It honestly never occurred to me.

She checked his ears and they look good (big relief)
She thinks his rash is from coxsackie (see, we're not so crazy for all that worry-worting we did in the big city during his fever this weekend...)
She is pleased with his strength and development.

We love this practice. There's a male DO there who might be the sweetest dude I've ever had a conversation with. Katy and I both agree that we love him so much we privately consider changing to him, but we love the she-doc we picked as primary for JB too. When I was in the hospital Dr. sweet-boy-DO was the one on call all weekend. He was the only medical professional we vented to about my OB group, and it was like katy and I got to have a super-supportive hospital-husband for a few minutes a day. We think if JB wants when he is bigger, we'll offer him to change to a male provider.

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