Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bean's Birthday

Just a shout out to our Bean. We can't believe it will be 5 years this summer since you died. We keep you close every day and try to live up to and honor your zest for life, your love for family, your willingness to jump under a car hood to help a friend.

You would'a loved these kids, Bean. Hope you;re watching them.
I think you are right here with us, the very sparkle in their little eyes.

XXXOOO!!! Happy Birthday, Bean!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Found you in a round about way (I too appreciated Sarah Silverman's PSA, "Don't vote") Sorry you don't have your bean with you. Lost my Grandmother while I was in Iraq about a year ago, and I'm still stumbling over pictures of her and having to remember that she is dead. Odd to think I could forget something like that. Anyway, enjoyed reading, take care and have fun at inauguration!!
