Saturday, October 20, 2007

Fun with neon colors

If you want to see nature produce the most brilliant glow-in-the-dark green you could imagine, give your breast-feeding wife kale to eat.

Approximately 12 hours later, change your 3 week old son's diaper.


As a side note, they warn you about boys peeing on you. And it's happened several times. Once it even happened that he peed straight back and got urine is his own ear. (Don't worry, I don't think he was traumatized too badly, by the pee or by my hysterical laughter) Last night we were fortunate to have my best friend from college (we'll call her Runs Hurdles Like the Wind) and while I was recounting this story and changing JB's diaper at the same time, he gave us a new surprise.

He blew stool from the pack n play to the couch.

I am cracking up as I type. It was absolute hilarity (and apparently still is). RHLW jumped out of the way just in time to save her beautiful purple sweater. I grabbed the nearest wipe and attempted to the stem the tide.

Too late.

Let's just say that my photographic memory will never let me forget the vision of my son's butt spraying yellow stool towards me, and when I could not be reached, the couch.

I do worry he might actually be traumatized by this incident. Not because he hit the couch. Mostly because I can't stop laughing. With him. Not at him.

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