Thursday, October 11, 2007


I'm not sure why I didn't put this together before, but do you know our baby was due to arrive on... Wait for it...

National Coming Out Day!!!

No kidding. Isn't that a little hilarious.

Ellen came out 10 years ago in May. On the same day, I came out to my parents. I didn't plan that, it just sort of happened. I had been needing to tell them for some time and the "coming out" was promo'd in the press, so it was sort of on everyone's mind.

My folks actually "guessed" my news- after seeing my face- all stressed out and determined to confess important news. They made a mental leap to the biggest things they could imagine:

"Are you okay?"
"Did something happen?"
"Are you pregnant?" and then dad said, "Are you coming out?"

That guy is such a kidder, but that's how that went... "Um, yes, actually... I am."

Anyway, I'm gonna go call my sister and make sure she knows her kid came out on National Coming Out Day!

Strong work, everyone!

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