Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday, snowy morning ramblings...


I am a little hyper right now (my first morning coffee since monday) and it is manifesting in extreme happiness.

This week I had one of those GI bugs (though it was quite possibly food poisoning) that makes you wish you were dead and/or think you are dying. Yesterday I started reintroducing solids into my diet after 1.5 days of consuming only ginger ale. It was one of those "i feel cold... now I'm sweating" kind of puke-y, poopy deals. I was sure it was the 5 day old Chinese food I consumed (stupidly) the day before the onset of symptoms, but then I spoke to my grandmother in Florida who described the exact same symptoms: every part of my body was achy, I couldn't get off the couch-lightheadedness, etc.

During the worst of it, I rolled off the couch and was crawling around on the floor trying to take care of my baby who played cheerfully under his giddy-up-and-go-gym. I would pat him on the belly and moan (in as un-terrifying a manner as possible) and he would look at me and giggle.

This morning it is snowing. I know it is partially because I don't have to rush out and drive in the stuff and don't have to spend the day at work worrying about the evening commute, but it looks so perfect and disease-curing. The boy and I have all ready showered, dressed, eaten, spent some time laughing and playing, and now he is napping while I blog (a perfect day so far.)

JB has survived his first 2 days at day care and "survive" is a sensationalized adjective. He did great. Katy did great. I'm suffering a little bit in the "possibly projecting pain and negative symptoms on him" department. Yesterday, for example I was all like, "Does he look pale to you?"

Kt: No. He looks great.
(a few minutes later)
T: Does he seem listless or less "interested in things"?
K: Not really. no. It's night time. If anything he's tired.
T: I just feel like he's not looking at me.
(pause while katy nearly pops an aneurysm trying not to roll her eyes)
K: T... come on. He's fine.
T: I'm projecting... aren't I?
K: Yes.
T: Okay. That's good. I'd rather it be my problem... bear with me, I'll work it out...
K: (so supportive and pretty) You're doing great too...

To be fair, I was mostly worried that he was destined to feel the stomach pain I experienced earlier in the week. But so far (knock on wood) no obvious symptoms of abdominal pain.

He's so fantastic. I could just spit. (I have no idea what that means, but I've heard the saying before and I really identify with it today.)

Last tidbit of the morning:

Our home phone number is one digit off the local Apple store. So a few times a month we get a wrong number. These callers are usually apologetic and we think many of the caller-ID names that we don't recognize also are trying to reach Apple. One time a lady tried to argue with me that she had dialed the apple store and I was all like, "If you want to ask me a few questions, I'll give you some answers, but I assure you we are not a registered dealer of Apple brand products." It occurs to me, if I wasn't so lazy, I could have a lot of fun with these calls.

A few minutes ago, a message was left on our machine...

Caller: um.. yes.. um... i was expecting the apple store at large-suburban-mall... sorry.

At first I though, "Why are these callers so crazy? why not just hang up?" But then I realized she was just being polite. Either that, or she's one of those folk who call back every caller id number that don't leave a message to say, "Why did you call me?!?"

I don't blame her for not wanting me to call her back intending to sell her an iphone later today.

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